
Privacy / Confidentiality

In order to help you with your software and career, we need to understand what’s going on. Sometimes, that’s going to involve the disclosure of sensitive or confidential information, whether it’s what you really think about that co-worker - or the code issue that’s keeping you awake at night.

We will not share confidential information about you or your employer. We’re using what you tell us in order to help you, not for any other purpose. When you tell us something to help us do that, we also agree to become a party to any NDAs that permit disclosure under those terms.

We’ll use our best judgment about what information is confidential, but if you think there’s something where it might be unclear, we ask that you clarify for us. For instance, the knowledge that your company is seeking to hire hardware engineers is not something we’d ordinarily expect to be confidential - but it might be, if that hardware is for a secret project.

We may offer ways to help our clients network between each other - for instance, by passing business cards or resumes between interested parties, or posting them to a shared space. This is entirely optional, and we will not provide any information about you to another of our clients without your explicit permission.

Antidiscrimination / LGBTQ

We believe that all people should be given the same rights and opportunities to succeed.

We are aware that the software industry has a great deal of discrimination and implicit bias. We want to change the system, and we also want to help and support those people currently impacted by this broken system.

We are particularly familiar with how this discrimination tends to impact women and LGBTQ+ people.

Sliding Scale

Not everyone has the same access to financial resources. If you’d like to work with us, but are financially limited, let us know. We may be able to work something out.

On the other side of it, if you’re financially fortunate and would like to support others by making our services accessible to them, let us know; we’d be glad to talk about how you can help underwrite our sliding scale and defray those costs for those in need.